Week 4: Calling open reading frames with Prodigal, using BLAST, annotating genes with Interproscan

Rika Anderson, Carleton College

Pre-lab notes

1. Start a notebook

Before we start this week, I want to encourage you all to start a computational lab notebook. This can take whatever form you want– I often will just open a text document on my computer and save it on the cloud somewhere– but it will be crucial that you keep a record of all the commands you run, especially for your project datasets. That way, if you get a funny result, or if you want to repeat an analysis, you can always go back to your lab notebook to see exactly what command you ran. I will sometimes include notes to myself about the analysis, or observations of the graphs I make. These notebooks are just for you– I won’t be checking them– but now that we’re about to get into the real analysis, I strongly recommend that you start one for your project datasets and maintain them throughout the rest of this course.

Logging in to the remote server

2. Login

Boot as a Mac on the lab computer.

3. Terminal

Find and open the Terminal application (Applications/Utilities).

4. Connect to baross

This week, we’re going to be using a different server called baross, which is my research server. This is because liverpool is actually a pretty small server– it only has 10 processors. In contrast, baross has 96. Liverpool and baross share the same storage space, so all of your files on liverpool are mirrored on baross. This means that you should see the same file structure regardless of which server you log into, but the amount of computational power available to you will be different depending on which server you logged into. Please note: this is Rika’s lab’s research server, so please do NOT use this server unless instructed to.

Log on to the server using your Carleton username and password.

ssh [username]@baross.its.carleton.edu

Finishing up from last week

5. Copy assembly into class folder

Your assemblies from last week should have finished by now. If you haven’t already, please use the anvi-script-reformat-fasta script on your assembled project datasets to make sure they’re properly formatted and ready to go.

When that is done, please copy your newly formatted, assembled project assemblies and put them into the folder that we’ll be sharing as a class, substituting the placeholder below with the name of your assembled file. This will be the shared folder for all of the data that you generate as a class.

cp [name of your formatted, assembled file] /usr/local/data/class_shared

Searching for open reading frames

6. cd to toy dataset directory

First, we’re going to learn how to identify open reading frames (ORFs) on your assembled toy dataset from last week. To do that, we’ll use a program called Prodigal. There are lots of programs that can identify ORFs, and there are strong distinctions between ORF callers for eukaryotes versus bacteria/archaea/viruses. Prodigal is one of the best ORF callers for microbial genomes and it is free, so that’s what we’re using today. If you find yourself wanting to identify ORFs on some sequence in the future, most ORF callers should work in a similar manner to Prodigal.

Go to your toy dataset directory:

cd ~/toy_dataset_directory

7. Copy toy dataset

We’re going to try out Prodigal on an assembled toy dataset to learn how this works. (Even though you assembled this toy dataset last week, we’re going to use a subsample of that assembled toy dataset in order to be more computationally efficient.) Copy toy_dataset_assembled_subsample.fa into your toy_assembly directory:

cp /usr/local/data/toy_datasets/toy_dataset_assembly_subsample.fa toy_assembly

8. mkdir

Now that you’re in the toy dataset directory, make a new directory and change into it.

mkdir ORF_finding
cd ORF_finding

9. Run prodigal

Now run Prodigal on your toy assembly subsample:

  • The -i flag gives the input file, which is the assembly you just made.
  • The -o flag gives the output file in Genbank format
  • The -a flag gives the output file in fasta format
  • The -p flag states which procedure you’re using: whether this is a single genome or a metagenome. This toy dataset is a single genome so we are using –p single, but for your project dataset, you will use –p meta.
prodigal -i ../toy_assembly/toy_dataset_assembly_subsample.fa -o toy_assembly_ORFs.gbk -a toy_assembly_ORFs.faa -p single

10. View output

You should see two files, one called toy_assembly_ORFs.gbk and one called toy_assembly_ORFs.faa. Use the program less to look at toy_assembly_ORFs.faa. You should see a fasta file with amino acid sequences. Each amino acid sequence is an open reading frame (ORF), or a putative gene that has been identified from your assembly.

less toy_assembly_ORFs.faa

Finding the function of our open reading frames/genes/proteins

11. Copy sequence of first ORF

Now we have all of these nice open reading frames, but we don’t know what their function is. So we have to compare them to gene databases. There are lots of them out there. First, we will use BLAST and compare against the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) non-redundant database of all proteins. This is a repository where biologists are required to submit their sequence data when they publish a paper. It is very comprehensive and well-curated.

Take a look at your Prodigal file again using the program less (see above). Copy the sequence of the first ORF in your file. You can include the first line that includes the > symbol.

13. Paste sequence

Copy your sequence in to the box at the top of the page, and then scroll to the bottom and click “BLAST.” Give it a few minutes to think about it.

14. Blast off

While that’s running, go back to the BLAST suite home page and try blasting your protein using tblastn instead of blastp.

What’s the difference?

blastp is a protein-protein blast. When you run it online like this, you are comparing your protein sequence against the National Centers for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) non-redundant protein database, which is a giant database of protein sequences that is “non-redundant”—that is, each protein should be represented only once.

In contrast, tblastn is a translated nucleotide blast. You are blasting your protein sequence against a translated nucleotide database. When you run it online like this, you are comparing your protein sequence against the NCBI non-redundant nucleotide database, which is a giant database of nucleotide sequnces, which can include whole genomes.

Isn’t this a BLAST?!? (Bioinformatics jokes! Not funny.)

15. Post-lab questions

For your post-lab assignment, answer the following questions in a Word document that you will upload to the Moodle:

Check for understanding:

Q1. For both your blastp and tblastn results, list:

  • The top hit for each of your database searches
  • The e-value and percent identity of the top hit
  • What kind of protein it matched
  • What kind of organism it comes from

Q2. Take a look at the list of hits below the top hit.

  • Do they have the same function?
  • Do think you can confidently state what type of protein this gene encodes? Explain.
  • Describe the difference in your tblastn and blastp results, and explain in what scenarios you might choose to use one over the other.

16. Introduce Interproscan; activate screen

This works well for a few proteins, but it would be exhausting to do it for every single one of the thousands of proteins you will likely have in your dataset. We are going to use software called Interproscan to more efficiently and effectively annotate your proteins. It compares your open reading frames against several protein databases and looks for protein “signatures,” or regions that are highly conserved among proteins, and uses that to annotate your open reading frames. It will do this for every single open reading frame in your dataset, if it can find a match.

Interproscan takes a long time to run. With a big dataset, it could run for hours. So let’s open a screen session. (Note: for your toy dataset, this will take minutes, not hours, so screen isn’t entirely necessary. But it’s good to practice– and for your project datasets, you will definitely want to be in screen.)


17. sed

Interproscan doesn’t like all of the asterisks that Prodigal adds to the ends of its proteins. So get rid of them by typing this:

Explanation: sed is another Unix command. It is short for “stream editor” and it is handy for editing files on occasion, like when you’re trying to do a “find/replace” operation like you might do in Word. Here, we’re using sed to replace all of the asterisks with nothing.

sed 's/\*//g' toy_assembly_ORFs.faa > toy_assembly_ORFs.noasterisks.faa

18. Run interproscan

Now run interproscan.

  • The -i flag gives the input file, which is your file with ORF sequences identified by Prodigal, with the asterisks removed.
  • The -f flag tells Interproscan that the format you want is a tab-separated vars, or “tsv,” file.
interproscan.sh -i toy_assembly_ORFs.noasterisks.faa -f tsv

19. Terminate screen

When it’s done, terminate your screen session.

(You could also try Ctrl + A + k – Hit “Control” and “a” at the same time, and then release and immediately press “k”.)


20. FileZilla

Now let’s take a look at the results. The output should be called toy_assembly_ORFs.noasterisks.faa.tsv. The output is a text file that’s most easily visualized in a spreadsheet application like Excel. The easiest way to do that is to copy this file from the server to your own desktop and look at it with Excel. We’re going to learn how to use FileZilla to do that. (Note, yes, you’re connecting FileZilla to liverpool. Remember that baross and liverpool share the same file structure, so it shouldn’t matter which one you connect to.)

Locate FileZilla in the Applications folder on your computer and open it. Enter the following:

  1. For the Host: sftp://liverpool.its.carleton.edu
  2. For the Username: your Carleton username
  3. For the password: your Carleton password
  4. For the Port: 22
  5. Then click QuickConnect.

The left side shows files in the local computer you’re using. The right side shows files on liverpool. On the left side, navigate to whatever location you want your files to go to on the local computer. On the right side, navigate to the directory where you put your Interproscan results. (/Accounts/yourusername/toy_dataset_directory/ORF_finding/toy_assembly_ORFs.noasterisks.faa.tsv) All you have to do is double-click on the file you want to transfer, and over it goes!

21. Open tsv file

Find your file on your local computer, and open your .tsv file in Excel. The column headers are in columns as follows, left to right:

  1. Protein Accession (e.g. P51587)
  2. Sequence MD5 digest (e.g. 14086411a2cdf1c4cba63020e1622579)
  3. Sequence Length (e.g. 3418)
  4. Analysis (e.g. database name– Pfam / PRINTS / Gene3D)
  5. Signature Accession Number (e.g. PF09103 / G3DSA:
  6. Signature Description (e.g. BRCA2 repeat profile)
  7. Start location
  8. Stop location
  9. Score - is the e-value of the match reported by member database method (e.g. 3.1E-52)
  10. Status - is the status of the match (T: true)
  11. Date - is the date of the run

22. Post-lab questions

Answer the following question on the post-lab Word document you will submit to the Moodle:

Check for understanding:

Q4. Take a look at the annotation of the contig you BLASTed earlier. If there is more than one hit, that’s because Interproscan is returning hits from multiple protein databases. What is the description of the hit with the best score, according to Interproscan? (Remember, Google can be a handy resource sometimes.) Does that match your BLAST results?

Searching for matches within your own database

23. pwd

We just learned how to compare all of the proteins within your dataset against publicly available databases using Interproscan. This will be handy later on, because it gives you a nice list of all of the proteins in your assembly. But you may also wish to choose a specific protein of interest and see if you can find a match within your dataset. Why? There are a few reasons why you might do this. For example, you may have a gene you’re interested in that’s not available in public databases, or is relatively unknown. It won’t show up in the Interproscan results. Or maybe you want to know if any of the ORFs or contigs in your dataset have a match to a particular sequence, even if it isn’t the top hit that Interproscan found.

We will learn how to use BLAST to search for a gene, using your own dataset as the databse to search against.

First, make sure you are in the correct directory.

/Accounts/[your username]/toy_dataset_directory/ORF_finding

24. Make blast database

Turn your ORF dataset into a BLAST database. Here is what the flags mean:

  • makeblastdb invokes the command to make a BLAST database from your data
  • -in defines the file that you wish to turn into a BLAST database
  • -dbtype: choices are “prot” for protein and “nucl” for nucleotide.
makeblastdb -in toy_assembly_ORFs.faa -dbtype prot

25. Find protein

Now your proteins are ready to be BLASTed. Now we need a protein of interest to search for. Let’s say you are interested in whether there are any close matches to CRISPR proteins in this dataset. The Pfam database is a handy place to find ‘seed’ sequences that represent your protein of interest. Navigate your browser to:


This takes you to a page with information about the RAMP family of proteins, the “Repair Associated Mysterious Proteins.” While indeed mysterious, they turn out to be CRISPR-related proteins.

26. Find protein (cont.)

Click on “1319 sequences” near the top.

27. Generate file

Under “format an alignment,” select your format as “FASTA” from the drop-down menu, and select gaps as “No gaps (unaligned)” from the drop-down menu. Click “Generate.”

28. Transfer file

Use FileZilla to transfer this file to your ORF_finding directory on baross.

29. View file

Take a look at the Pfam file using less or using a text editing tool on the local computer. It is a FASTA file with a bunch of “seed” sequences that represent a specific protein family from different organisms. If you want to learn more about a specific sequence, you can take the first part of the fasta title (i.e. “Q2RY06_RHORT”) and go to this website: http://www.uniprot.org/uploadlists/ and paste it in the box. Then select from “UniProt KB AC/ID” to “UniProtKB” in the drop-down menu on the bottom. You will get a table with information about your protein and which organism it comes from (in this case, a type of bacterium called Rhodospirillum).

30. BLAST it

Now, BLAST it! There are many parameters you can set. The following command illustrates some common parameters.

  • blastp invokes the program within the blast suite that you want. (other choices are blastn, blastx, tblastn, tblastx.)
  • -query defines your blast query– in this case, the Pfam seed sequences for the CRISPR RAMP proteins.
  • -db defines your database– in this case, the toy assembly ORFs.
  • -evalue defines your maximum e-value, in this case 1x10-5
  • -outfmt defines the output format of your blast results. option 6 is common; you can check out https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK279675/ for other options.
  • -out defines the name of your output file. I like to title mine with the general format query_vs_db.blastp or something similar.
blastp -query PF03787_seed.txt -db toy_assembly_ORFs.faa -evalue 1e-05 -outfmt 6 -out PF03787_vs_prodigal_ORFs_toy.blastp

31. Examine results

Now let’s check out your blast results. Take a look at your output file using less. (For easier visualization, you can also either copy your results (if it’s a small file) and paste in Excel, or transfer the file using FileZilla and open it in Excel.)

32. Column descriptions

Each blast hit is listed in a separate line. The columns are tabulated as follows, from left to right:

  1. query sequence name
  2. database sequence name
  3. percent identity
  4. alignment length
  5. number of mismatches
  6. number of gaps
  7. query start coordinates
  8. query end coordinates
  9. subject start coordinates
  10. subject end coordinates
  11. e-value
  12. bitscore

33. Post-lab questions

Take a look at your BLAST results and answer the following questions for the Word document you will submit on the Moodle.

Check for understanding:

Q5. (a-e)

  • Which protein among your Pfam query sequences had the best hit?
  • What was the percent identity?
  • What organism does the matching Pfam protien query sequence come from?
  • Which of your ORFs did it match?
  • Does this ORF have hits to other sequences within your query file? What do you think this means? 34

Let’s try this another way. Run your blast again, but this time use a lower e-value cutoff.

blastp -query PF03787_seed.txt -db toy_assembly_ORFs.faa -evalue 1e-02 -outfmt 6 -out PF03787_vs_prodigal_ORFs_toy_evalue1e02.blastp

35. Post-lab questions

Answer the following question on the Word document you will submit to the Moodle:

Check for understanding:

Q6. How do these BLAST results differ from your previous BLAST? Explain why.

36. Try another gene

Now let’s try a different gene. Pfam is a good place to find general protein sequences that are grouped by sequence structure, with representatives from many different species. Let’s say you’re interested in finding a specific sequence instead.

  1. Go to https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/protein/
  2. Let’s look for the DNA polymerase from Thermus aquaticus, the famous DNA polymerase that is used in PCR. Type “DNA polymerase Thermus aquaticus’ in the search bar at the top.
  3. Click on the first hit you get. You’ll see lots of information related to that sequence.
  4. Click on “FASTA” near the top. It will give you the FASTA sequence for that protein (protein rather than DNA).
  5. Copy that sequence and paste it into a new file on liverpool. Here is one way to do that: use nano to create a new file (see command). Once in nano, paste your sequence into the file. Type Ctrl+O, Enter, and then Ctrl+X.
nano DNA_pol_T_aquaticus.faa


Now you have a sequence file called DNA_pol_T_aquaticus.faa. BLAST it against your toy dataset:

blastp -query DNA_pol_T_aquaticus.faa -db toy_assembly_ORFs.faa -outfmt 6 -out DNA_pol_T_aq_vs_prodigal_ORFs_toy.blastp

38. Examine results

Take a look at your blastp output using less. Notice the e-value column, second from left. Most of your e-values for this range between 2.4 (at best) and 7.7 (at worst). These e-values are TERRIBLE. This means you probably didn’t have very good hits to this protein in your dataset. (What constitutes a “good” e-value is debatable and depends on your application, but usually you want it to be at least 0.001 or lower, as a general rule of thumb.)

39. Post-lab questions

Now choose your own protein and BLAST it against your dataset. Answer the following questions on the Moodle Word document:

Check for understanding:

Q7. Describe the protein you chose and how you found the sequence for that protein.

Q8. Show the command you executed for the blast.

Q9. Where there any matches? If so, which contig was the best match? Applying these analyses to your project datasets

40. Analyze project dataset

Now we’re going to apply these analyses to your own datasets for your projects.

Identify open reading frames on your project assembly using Prodigal, then determine their functions using Interproscan. Use this lab handout for reference. Don’t forget to use the ‘fixed’ version of your contigs (the version that has been run through anvi-script-reformat-fasta.) Your TAs and I are here to help if you have questions or get stuck—usually the problem is a typo or you’re in the wrong directory, so check that first! Your Interproscan runs will take several hours, maybe days. Be sure to run them on screen so they can run overnight. In order to spread out the processes, I will ask that 6 of you start your Interproscan runs on baross, and 5 of you start your runs on liverpool. And before you start competing for one server over another, it won’t matter in the long run– all of your runs will be done by the end of the week. (I think.)

When you are finished, copy your assembly, your ORFs, and your Interproscan results to our class’ shared folder. For example, if your Interproscan results are called ERR598966_assembly_ORFs.noasterisks.faa.tsv, copy them over like this:

cp ERR598966_assembly _ORFs.noasterisks.faa.tsv /usr/local/data/class_shared

41. Post-lab assignment

For your post-lab assignment, compile all of the Moodle questions above into a single document. There are nine ‘check for understanding’ questions listed above.

Critical thinking question:

Finally, develop a question about your project dataset that you can answer using BLAST or using your Interproscan results. Remember that you can search for specific genes in your own dataset, or you can use the NCBI BLAST website to compare your own contigs to the NCBI non-redundant database, or you can search through your Interproscan results. For example, your question could be something like: ‘how many different open reading frames in my dataset have a match to photosystem II?’ or ‘what genes in the NCBI non-redundant database have the best match to my longest contig?’ Describe your question, explain how you went about answering it, and describe your results.

You should clearly define a specific biological question related to your dataset. The description of your methods should be thorough (specify important details, like what database you obtained sequences from, or what e-values you specified). Your description of your results should be detailed and must link back to some sort of biological interpretation.

Compile all of this together into a Word (or similar) document and submit via Moodle by lab next week. I prefer to grade these blind, so please put your student ID number, rather than your name, on your assignment. (This applies to all future assignments as well.)